CSPC-CAS shares Research Defense tactics with Sto. Nińo National High School senior high students

April 13, 2024, | via Google Meet

CSPC-College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) hosted the webinar on “Conquer the Podium: Strategies for Research Defense Triumph” via Google Meet yesterday, April 13, 2024.

This event was part of a strategic initiative to empower young scholars with essential research defense skills that are critical for their academic and future career advancements.

Participants were engaged in different topics that covered effective presentation techniques, communication strategies, and the nuances of handling academic critiques, all designed to enhance their confidence and competence in defending their research findings.

The extension activity not only equipped students with valuable academic skills but also reinforced the collaborative ties between CSPC’s College of Arts and Sciences and Sto. Niño National High School. It provided a platform for meaningful interaction and knowledge exchange between the faculty members and students, thereby enriching the academic experience and fostering a community of collaborative learning and innovation.

The successful conduct of this seminar underscores CSPC’s commitment to educational excellence and its role in nurturing the next generation of scholars and researchers. It marks a significant step towards boosting the academic standing and capabilities of students at Sto. Niño National High School, demonstrating the powerful impact of targeted educational initiatives.