CSPC has 16 new Electronics Engineers and 33 Electronics Technicians added in roster of passers

The Licensure Examinations were held on April 11-12 for the Electronics Engineering, and April 13 for the Electronics Technicians, respectively. 


Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges warmly applauds its 16 new Electronics Engineers and 33 new Electronics Technicians for their exemplary performance in the April 2024 Electronics Engineers (ECE) and Electronics Technicians (ECT) Licensure Examination!
Sixteen made it to the Electronics Engineer Licensure Examination a passing rate of 22. 22%

Moreover, 33 examinees made it, too, in the Electronics Technicians Licensure Examination earning a passing rate of 55%.

Making up the successful examinees at the ECELE are 12 first-timers and four repeaters. Meanwhile, the ECTLE celebrates the victory of 32 newcomers and one returning taker.
Our heartfelt congratulations also go out to the CSPC College of Engineering and Architecture for their indispensable role in reaching this significant milestone.
Thank you for making us proud, CSPCeans! ✨